其實已經有數不完的部落格跟文章有在介紹多莉艾莫絲,我只能說光看上面那張照片就知道這女人絕對是個狠角色。若是你不認識她也別緊張因為你一定有聽過她的歌,王菲的冷戰還有孫燕姿的silent all these years就是這女人寫的歌~~另外還有慾望城市跟一些影集電影等等都有用她的音樂。 有些人天生就是該發光發熱,而且能跟Adrien Brody拍裸體MV...我只能說 : 大姐你屌阿! (海上鋼琴師跟這之MV是同年拍攝的哦)
這張專輯是她在美國開著車子東跑西跑後寫下來的,其實可以說是她個人的旅遊心得感想,歌詞另外隱喻了很多她的想法跟人生觀。印象中她應該是還沒20的時候曾經被強暴過,這應該是影響她音樂風格的主要因素之一.....在我自己的歌手名單裡面,歇斯底里排第一名的是KATE BUSH然後TORI AMOS跟BJORK應該可以一起排在第二...... KATE BUSH後來進了精神療養院,碧玉則是很愛用嚇死人不償命的衣服來虐待自己(虐待別人?)。上面的MTV是四分鐘的版本,專輯裡面則是五分鐘多一點。
On my way up north up on the ventura
I pulled back the hood
And I was talking to you
And I knew then it would be
A life long thing but I didn't know that we
We could break a silver lining
And i'm so sad like a good book
I can't put this day back
A sorta fairytale with you
A sorta fairytale with you
Things you said that day up on the 101 (這邊是指美國的101公路不是台北101...)
The girl had come undone
I tried to downplay it with a bet about us
You said that you'd take it
As long as i could
I could not erase it
And I'm so sad like a good book
I can't put this day back
A sorta fairytale with you
A sorta fairytale with you
And I ride along side
And I rode along side you then
And I rode along side
Till you lost me there in the open road
And I rode along side
Till the honey spread itself so thin
For me to break your bread
For me to take your word
I had to steal it
And I'm so sad like a good book
I can't put this day back
A sorta fairytale with you
A sorta fairytale with you
I could pick back up whenever I feel
Down new mexico way
Something about the open road
I knew that he was looking for some indian blood and
Find a little in you find a little in me we may be
On this road but
We're just impostors
In this country you know
So we go along and we said we'd fake it
Feel better with oliver stone
Till I almost smacked him -
Seemed right that night and
I don't know what takes hold
Out there in the desert cold
These guys think they must
Try and just get over on us
And I'm so sad like a good book
I can't put this day back
A sorta fairytale with you
A sorta fairytale with you
And I was ridin' by ridin' along side
For a while till you lost me
And I was ridin' by ridin' along till you lost me
Till you lost me in the rear view
You lost me
Way up north I took my day
All in all was a pretty nice day
And I put the hood right back where
You could taste heaven perfectly
Feel out the summer breeze
Didn't know when we'd be back
And I, I don't
Didn't think we'd end up like
Like this
- Jun 10 Tue 2008 12:47