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沒想到德文版的配音跟中文版一樣搞笑 LOL

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Warlock changes in Beta build 8926

The nerf bat swung low and hard. Did it hit Warlocks? Well... yes and no. This is the stage in Beta where things are tuned downwards -- notoriously labeled the nerf patch -- and Warlocks are big, fat nerf targets. On the other hand, some spells got buffs and others were reworked. This is just Beta, so don't panic. Classes are buffed and nerfed throughout the testing process until everything is finely tuned.

Without further ado: they nerfed Death's Embrace to grant 9% crit to all Shadow Spells when an opponent is at 20% or below health, down from 15% crit. Eradication can no longer be a permanent buff now as it now notes that, "This effect cannot occur more (sic) than once every 30 sec". On the other hand, Death's Embrace and Eradication got cool new icons. Dark Pact, which I raved about when I talked about the Felhunter, has been nerfed back to its current form of granting 100% of the mana drained from pet (down from 200% in previous builds).

Curse of Exhaustion was nerfed to a 30% movement speed reduction, down from 50%. It's now back to the live realm's value but without the benefit of Amplify Curse, which was reworked in Beta. Fel Armor's mana regeneration was removed and replaced with a health regeneration rate of 2% per 5 seconds. I'm not too sure how to feel about that, but since Warlocks treat health as mana, anyway, it's not such a substantial nerf but merely a mechanical change. More nerfs and a few pleasant surprises after the jump.

Demonic Empathy on Destruction Tier 9 has been nerfed to a 3% bonus, down from 6%, but gets a pretty new icon. I discussed the Metamorphosis changes in a previous post, but forgot to mention that the cooldown has been increased to 5 minutes. Think of the demon form as an uh-oh button rather than a Moonkin or Shadowform and you'll appreciate it better. It also has a new icon, no longer using Illidan's face. Demonic Sacrifice has been nerfed slightly to grant a 7% bonus to Shadow and Fire damage, down from 10%.

The Destruction tree is finally completely accessible, with Chaos Bolt and Fire and Brimstone finally in the game, with new icons to boot. The funny part? Chaos Bolt was nerfed even before it got tested, with damage reduced from 1012-1278 to 990-1256. Fire and Brimstone was nerfed, too, to keep Chaos Bolt company, granting 15% of spell power bonus to Immolate, down from 25%. Still an underwhelming 45-50 point talent if you ask me, but hey, test it, anyway. Empowered Imp has been made less powerful as procs now grant a mere 20% crit bonus as opposed to 100% -- I think we should've seen that one coming since Destruction was dealing ludicrous damage through crits thanks to cooperative Imps.

Improved Soul Leech was retuned to work in a similar fashion to other mana regeneration mechanics by not scaling with damage dealt but instead return a flat percentage, in this case 2%, of maximum mana. Emberstorm was nerfed to reduce Incinerate cast time by .25 seconds instead of .5 previously. This actually puts it back in line with the old Emberstorm, which conferred a 10% increase to Incinerate's casting time. And finally, Cataclysm was nerfed to reduce the cost of Destruction spells by up to 3%, down from 6%.

Whew. That wasn't so bad, was it? Now for a bit of good news. Unstable Affliction's silence effect was reverted to its original 5 seconds, up from 3, which is cool but it's still down to a 15 second duration with a cast time. So it's not quite a buff, but definitely not a nerf. Improved Felhunter now increases the effect of Fel Intelligence by up to 10%, which still doesn't match Arcane Brilliance and Divine Spirit but is an awesome change nonetheless. I mean, I can't have my little Rhuunom make Mages and Priests lose their raid spots, you know? The tooltip for Demonic Empowerment now includes the proper durations and Shadowfury is now, at long last, instant cast. That .5 second cast was always very strange, but now it works the way the Demons intended. Then there's one last thing:

Shadow Embrace

Requires 20 points in Affliction
Your Shadow Bolt and Haunt spells apply the Shadow Embrace effect, increasing all periodic damage dealt to the target by you by 5%, and reduces all periodic healing done to the target by 15%. Lasts for 12 sec. Stacks up to 2 times.
This talent was reworked to proc off Shadow Bolt and Haunt instead of DoTs, which forces Affliction Warlocks to toss up their spell cycles a bit. The tooltips are bugged, but in a nutshell the total damage increase is a substantial 10% with 2 stacks and the healing debuff is at 30%. This version of the spell is worlds better than the one on live, and the inclusion of Haunt as a trigger only incentivizes going deeper into the Affliction tree. Mechanically a nerf, if only because DoTs are easier to apply. Otherwise, still an amazing talent.

So there we have it. Warlocks in Beta build 8926, aka The Nerf Build. Don't worry too much about the nerfs, as most of them are simply for testing purposes and will -- if found to be too weak -- be re-tuned to the proper numbers and scaling when the time comes. In fact, if I mention the new icons, it only means that the devs are just about ready to give the class some real work. Look out for more, and better, changes in future builds. Right now, it should be a good time to try out Destruction now and see Chaos Bolt blow up pesky Priests and their shields.

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左為被遺忘者女王希瓦娜斯‧風行者 右為魔將瓦里薩瑪斯

SM女王希瓦娜斯‧風行者,在她老姐莫名的失蹤(私奔?)之後逼不得已接手遊俠將軍這個爛攤子。 當時燃燒軍團那些流氓們正猶如瘋狗一樣到處在艾澤拉斯隨地大小便兼咬人,希瓦娜斯為了阻止狂犬病的疫情擴散只好不情願的出來對抗流氓集團。經過大小戰爭三百回合,當時的醫療水準不夠發達再加上精靈們的繁殖速度沒有瘋狗們的來的快,希瓦娜斯被流氓頭子阿薩斯給咬了幾口之後很遺憾的也感染到狂犬病,從此跟著阿薩斯過著幸福快樂的生活(誤!)。不過美好的婚姻總是無法天長地久,在她發現了阿薩斯跟巫妖王的姦情之後,妒婦集結了那些原本就看阿薩斯不爽的流氓們準備要給阿薩斯好看。人算不如天算,就在妒婦快要打贏官司分到阿薩斯的全部財產的時候被阿薩斯的律師克爾蘇加德給亂入,最後雙方協議離婚收場而希瓦娜斯只分到了羅德隆這塊不值錢的地。離婚之後,希瓦娜斯帶著那些小流氓們在這邊建立她自己的後宮打算成為武則天第二。


Original Thalassian lyrics Loose English translation

Anar'alah, Anar'alah belore
Shindu fallah na
Shindu Sin'dorei
Shindu fallah na
Anar'alah belore
Shindu Sin'dorei
Shindu fallah na
Anar'alah belore

By the light, by the light of the sun
Children of the blood
Our enemies are breaking through
Children of the blood
By the light
Failing children of the blood
They are breaking through
O' children of the blood
By the light of the sun
Failing children of the blood
They are breaking through
O' children of the blood
By the light of the sun
The sun

喔  血之後裔,
喔  血之後裔,



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  Warlock (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8905))
Corruption - Base instant cast
We're going to make Corruption base instant cast. The Improved Corruption talent will now increase Corruption's damage by 4/8/12/16/20%. (Source)

Ruin and Devastation changes
In an upcoming build we are changing Ruin to a 5-point talent. However, it will swap places with Devastation. Devastation will become a 1-point talent (5% spell crit). This will be a minimal change to the Destruction Warlock, while opening up Ruin to other builds without having them sacrifice their 51-point talents. (Source)

Metamorphosis changes - details
We recently re-designed Metamorphosis for an upcoming build. Some changes:

- It will no longer remove your pet (your pet remains)
- It increases your armor by 600%, up from 360%
- It increases all your damage by 40%
- You can still cast your regular Warlock spells
- You gain access two a few new unique Demon Form abilities that can only be used in Demon Form

Among some other improvements. It will be changed back to a 5-minute cooldown, however (with a 45 second duration). With the changes to Ruin, you can also get Metamorphosis and Ruin in a build if you wish. (Source)

Going to be changing the visual and some other aspects of the talent soon, not going to have the Shadow Bolt graphic (Source)

毀滅移到天賦樹的第二層一整個是IMBA,這代表不用犧牲51點大絕才能點到100%爆擊加成。 另外破壞原本是5個天賦點數才有+5% CRI,將會改成1點天賦+5% CRI...

護甲值由原本的360%變成600% (直接改成減傷90%不就好了咩XD)

我只能說BZ沒讓WLK失望過 顆顆顆顆。

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Warlock (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8905))
Metamorphosis Feedback
While this is not final and could absolutely change, here is what we're thinking about for the new design:

  • You keep your pet.
  • You keep your spells.
  • It buffs spell damage (for that "blow your cooldowns" feel).
  • It buffs mitigation (you could even tank for a bit).
  • It provides the current snare reduction for PvP.
  • You'll still get a few fun demon abilities, but you can just use your normal spells if you'd rather. (Source)

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